Mickie Laree James, or Mickie James is a 36 year old professional is a professional American
wrestler, actress, country singer as well as model who is under contract with TNA and GFW.
That she is a wrestler is quite evident from the Mickie James posters. She is simply voluptuous.
However, at the same time, she is quite beautiful as well.
She has a pretty enough face with a pair of highly inviting and seductive eyes, a sensuous pair of
lips, a very healthy pair of breasts and solid pair of hips and above all, an overall sexy appeal
that will invite you in all possible ways. However, her opponents within the wrestling ring think
just the opposite. In spite of being sexy, she is strong enough to knock them down and pin them
down with her heavy body. No, they do not feel any orgasm for that, but feel pain –at least that
is what her posters are meant to propagate.
Just look at the Mickie James posters and you will get a hint of her power. When she appears
on the posters, her strength is very much palpable. The most amazing part of Mickie is that she
knows she is beautiful as well as sexy and strong. Hence, she flaunts her beauty, strength and
her sexuality in a most intelligent way so that each of them gets equal importance and that also
in a very sublime way. The posters she appears in bra and bikini surely exhibits her beauty and
sexuality, the ones where she is found in the ring surely proliferate her strength, and the ones
in which she comes up just as a woman nicely dressed up to be in tune with the latest fashion
are there to put on display her magnetic beauty, easily supported and heightened by her sexy
assets that everyone dream to taste and feel in private.
The photographers have also done a marvelous job in bringing all her qualities and blending
them into one – that has become her signature these days. Truly, riding high on the expertise of
the photographers, the Mickie James posters are proliferating enough to engage the young as
well as not so young hearts in the most ravishing and tantalizing fashion!