TATU was a Russian music do that comprised of Julia Volkova and Lena Katina and was active
from the year 1999 to 2014. During that tenure, they came out with a number of albums, which
were quite famous, and so were their performances during that tenure.
Talking about the TATU posters, there is a variety of them that were shot during that period.
They come up in a variety of look and feel, but all converging into one simple solution – that
there was an undisputed bondage between the two. That bondage had crossed over the line of
professionalism and got into the world of companionship. In all the posters that they appear in,
they caress and cajole each other in the most intimate way, even a times giving rise to the
speculation – was there only a professional relationship between the two? Alternatively, they
were life partners as well. The way they are physically intimate with each other in most of the
posters, make this thought and speculation all the more justified and pertinent. In some, they
hug each in the most intimate way, just as a lesbian couple would do, while in some, they are
seen without dress, caressing each other, kissing and smooching, caught in a lip lock in the most
passionate way.
In some, they are seen sitting – pretty cozy with each other, displaying and underlining the
bondage between the two, while in some others, they are virtually seen on top of each other,
having ‘it’ albeit on the stage, while performing. These various moods depicted by the TATU
posters underline one thing – they were more than just co-performers were on stage. Perhaps,
they performed jointly on their bed as well – who knows?
The posters were predominantly designed to promote a sense of lesbianism, albeit in a sublime
way. They show open-ended same sex relationship, not in a very much vulgar, but in a sublime
manner, which does a world of difference when it comes to the promotion of the duo.
The photographers have done a wonderful job. They have created the TATU posters in all sorts
of ways – with innovative backgrounds and use of some interesting props, and without them.
Either way, they are extremely attractive – to say the least.